Average weight of 12 year old

The average age of a 12 year old is where we first start to see a difference in the sizes of boys and girls. For the next couple of years the girls will grow quicker than the boys during the early teenage years, but then the boys will surpass the girls during the latter teenage years.
  • Average weight of a 12 year old boy is about 88 pounds or 40 kgs
  • Average weight of a 12 year old girl is roughly 92 pounds or about 42 kgs.
  • Average height for a 12 year old boy: 58.5inches or 149 cms. 58.5 inches means 4 feet and 10.5 inches.
  • Average height for a 12 year old girl: 59.5 inches or 151 centimeters. At age 12 the girls are slightly taller on average at 4 feet, 11.5 inches.
As you can see in the bullet points above, at age 12 on average girls are about four pounds heavier and one inch taller than boys. At this age kids are typically in the 6th or 7th grade.

For info on the average weight of boys at girls right before and after they're 12 see the links immediately below:

Click on either chart below to enlarge:

Height Weight Chart for 12 Year Old Girls
Average weight of 12 yr old girl chart, plus graph of normal 12 year old female height.
Height Weight Chart for 12 Year Old Boys
Normal weight for 12 year old boy chart and graph for the height of an average 12 year old male.